The forces of the real world and animation spark the magic in the world of film. Directed by Jonathan Langager, Josephine and the Roach illustrates an uncommon love shared between a woman and a cockroach, that progresses through the most unusual circumstances.
Accordion-playing and daydreaming become escapes for Josephine and the cockroach, until their existences become each other's realities. Throughout this short film, Josephine's inamorato becomes her protector, musical partner and lover. Winning the Audience Award at the San Fransisco Indie Fest and the 2013 Student Academy Award Silver Medal, Josephine and the Roach resonates with entertainment appeal for a vast audience.
With open minds and open hearts, viewers will experience an uncommon love story that will leave a lasting impression. For a deeper look into the short, Josephine and the Roach can be found on XFINITY's Film Festival Collective On Demand channel.