Sausage is an animated short that tells the story of a fierce battle of innovation between two small food vendors, and a new super vendor who aims to steal both of their customers. It comments on the rivalry between local mom and pop shops and anonymous mega corporations, i.e. passion always trumps greed. Director Robert Grieves has filled his short with a nostalgic retro aesthetic and delightful humor that is reminiscent of classic saturday morning cartoons. The merging of the old with the new is a joy to watch, it’s no surprised the film has been greeted with such praise.
Celebrated worldwide, it has been screened in over 63 festivals including the Foyle, Food Film, and NYC Independent festivals, acquiring 8 of the top festival awards and was shortlisted for the 2015 Oscars. Sausage was also a viral hit online, featured as a Vimeo Staff Pick, streamed on Cartoon Brew and played in schools throughout the UK.
We are excited to announce Sausage as one of this years annual Film Festival Collective Awards nominee for Best Animated Short Film! Sausage, as well as our other nominees, is available to watch on XFINITY’S Film Festival Collective.