Brave Girl follows the story of a sheltered, young Nepali girl who leaves her village to help provide for her family. However, new challenges arise when she is taken across the border to India by a family friend. As she is exposed to new luxuries on her journey, she starts to become suspicious of her friend and the choices she is forced to make. This short starts to expose the intricacies of bravery and what one girl is willing to sacrifice for her family.
Erin Galey wrote and directed Brave Girl (aka Sahasi Chori). The film has been an official selection in numerous international film festivals including the Atlanta Film Festival, SXSW, Busan, Palm Springs, and Marfa Film Festival. Additionally, it won the Best of Fest Audience award at the Palm Springs ShortsFest, Best Short Film in the 2013 Palm Beach International Film Festival, a Special Jury Award from Bermuda International Film Festival, and the Women In Film Directing Award at the HollyShorts Film Festival.
You can now watch Brave Girl on Film Festival Collective presented by XFINITY.