Are you interested in having your festival be a part of the Film Festival Collective?
What are the perks?
- Your festival logo inclusion at beginning of contributed content on VOD in front of 9+ Million Comcast subscribers in region
- Your festival logo/link inclusion on all web listings of program as Collective Partner
- Credit as Collective Partner for exposing filmmaker’s content to over 9+ Million Comcast subscribers
- Inclusion in all press releases about program
- Festival included in description of video as “official selection of” throughout
- Promotion of Call for Entries through Atlanta Film Festival to filmmaker list of 10K+ filmmakers
- Promotion of festival dates/ticket sales through Atlanta Film Festival to email & social media (60K+ followers & subscribers)
What do you have to do?
- Minimum 12 short films w/releases per calendar year
- (12) Social Media Mentions (Facebook, Twitter)
- (4) Email/Newsletter Inclusions
- (1) Listing on website/blog
- Request that featured filmmakers promote their films on the platform
- Create and service press releases for all sourced content
- Pre-show slides in annual festival
- Ad mention in Program Guide
- Allowance for additional, unique promotional tactics